My life. My poetry, travel, and musings.

My life. My poetry, travel, and musings.


My personal blog: Musings and Thought

26 Jul 2024


I guess money is the root of all evil

and what it would be

a stormy night

i I think I was bright enough to rig the nfl and nba.

and even more so the politics.

so it was, so it is

a divided policy

because I once I get enough



And the real reasons why

because they are sort of not

and neither is he

So you know I count my next check

while I wait for another

more rainy nights

and I'll get more high off that

and you know 

I need to go where I belong

Because actually you all go lower off that

and you know what I think there is more hate harbored in your hearts than mine

because maybe that is my mission

to share it with others

and she must have aired 

and you all hve to follow everything I do

i dont follow your paths

i made my own

and sterotypes are innaccurate


so is Netanyahu manupulating the whole political situation for his own personal gain

so are the illegal Israeli encampments and genocide

that's awful

and you know joe Biden funded iran

and also you're all self serving

and there are other countries who do a much better job

and I'm sure the netherlands is right about that.

and so is aidan

and i just have to pause to think

i dont think you could write or think or read that much

and you don't even have to be.

cause we all know

and you should try to feel more

and she is like the rest of them.

and I already know that i face more discrimination

than you ever have

and i think im more holy than any of you, and more of a prophet 

than you are


this is the case.

25 Jul 2024

Another day

Therapists can be more understanding.

people can be less deceiving

It's all dark

and that fool needs to stay in the place he lives in

and that was a ritual and dark sorcery they did when I was literally so young

and I didn't do anything to deserve it

it was just Cornell and gates behavior

and It was wrong of them to set me up with that sexual assault

maybe perhaps that's why he died

and it was evil

and I wish I could be rid of it

and these therapists need to get a clue

and so do the girls

im sick of it

when will anyone prize what I have

will you prize what I have

and not set me up

does any value the wisdom I have

Maybe some of you are the black magic

and maybe some of you can be better

whatever they say

i have my own way

God willing someone get me through

and my community does something for me 

rather than just hold grudges

someone tell them to stop hating

and just go live their own lives

and let me be with my peace and company

25 Jul 2024

What do you understand

Oh with all my ideas.

That you just love to hate because it doesn't fit in your worldview

Well you don't have a society that works for all.

because people have wrong views

I think he's delusional.

And I also think you don't care

and don't get it

and That some people understand it

they are allies

and these jokes 

and unwise 


what do you think

do you ever say anything

or just browse and stalk me

and God willing God give me my check

Because I already knew the true nature of reality

That never changes

What does change is

People progressing along the path 

And people regressing.

As I am reminded that good cannot exist without evil

What do you really understand

Do you all just want to hate for no good reason.

And maybe you should all just go screw yourselves

Or send me someone to screw

Because I know the way.

And I'll buy my way

And what else could else

Endless nightmare charades.

And I think he is really small

in the heart

and so are they 

I'm not your whore

and that's just what he causes

and you need to do a better job of keeping him away from me.

Because I know a lot of things

and I don't deserve your hate

your hurtful heart

23 Jul 2024


That writing are just the truth and heart of the matter.

i don't know where all my friends went.

And I have enough trying to balance everyone trying to pick a bone with me.

I am very passionate and considerate.

And I wish you would understand me.

and not fight me everyday.

its not all true

It matters your perception.

and meds can help

but I don't believe I am right about everything.

there could be deeper layers or truths to what I already have

and I think there are more things involved

only time will tell

im so lowly attracting everyone


and walk so far

hope i dont die

i have to recover my brain and body everyday.

from the war

their War

but I see what peace is

when did they ever

so tiresome

I can't go on like this.

Dont sabotage me

dont turn me into another one

who spoke truth and got maimed murdered or shot

that happens to all of them

my new book is updated and improved

see how many years I will leave

somewhere in the world

somewhere I need life preserving or saving treatment or therapy

there Are more layers to the issues


me my space and my own home

i I have pay and carry everyone 

I'm sick of it

be here considerate

or not at all

22 Jul 2024

What the hell is all your problem

Setting me up with a felon and sex offender

You're all isolating and targetting me.

if the whole population knew

What would they do.

I guess I can't rely on anyone to recommend me:

And I am so shocked by how you treat me.

And I can't rely on anyone.

Yeah I walked up the whole town.

The whole town can know. 

About that psychopath.

I guess there's more of them.

What does she deserve

She can't impose martial law anyone.

And all these people who leave me

Everyone who drains me.

Drains my life, my money.

Women's rights oh right.

Do they forget about my rights?

And evil lurking.

And people who never try to help you

And this is how low it's gotten.

Sending me that person.

So demoralized. so haunted.

I wish you would try to help me be someone better in this world.

But I don't think you followed any of your own rules or policies.

Yeah I see the truth behind people and things.

And I think this world deserves better.

James just wants to wear the flag for himself not the country..

And they hacked my whole phone and news.

And you all targetted my website anyways.

And I'm sick of having no one.

Wiah someone would understand.

i would do better.


16 Jul 2024


Is different than intellectual or book smarts.

I believe in faith and wisdom.

And I think more people should.

And there’s a cloud of data.

Technology from the skies

But as my belief.

That capitalism creates greed and excess.

And I think society should be more socialist.

Historically these societies have fared much better than the Roman empire.

I mean just look at it.

As I chase another lover.

Another sun.

I’m reminded of faith and wisdom.

And I scored high on the logical tests anyways.

And people should balance the yin and yang.

As there are union of opposites in each.

And I think the whole society is like a rat race.

And you know people should know.

True spirituality

True God

True ethiology.

And it would just go against their motives.

But their motives need rearranging.

As it should be more equitable.

Ads and targetted scammers.

Scams and and unwise people.

True wisdom

Resources distributed equitably.

And if people were nurtured or given enough.

Maybe they would have more to share with others.

As I’m a glitch in the matrix.

Because they can believe in my ideas.

And what is everyone but in a little computer simulation.

True prophecy would lead to unity and cohesion.

And I see the false prophets in it for their own profit.

Society can be free.

Things can be free.

Free energy can exist.

But I guess the reason why that professor didn't believe in any of my ideas.

Because I didn't care about his.

Whatever it exists in my drive.

My black hole from my own code.

I can break free of it.

And maybe they can give me more.

I think I deserve it.

And she can go hustle.

I’ll be waiting for here.

Maybe they should give you a better job and use their university endowment or the technocrats private trust fund.

Well why do they hog all of it.

Maybe I’m just more learned.

All is well that ends well in war.

15 Jul 2024

I think actually

Secret societies

And that was the school who set me up for the whole thing.

But you can’t sue schools.

But you can sue them.

And why is the world this way.

I think they were just really bad traumatized kids.

And the teachers didn't try help me.

Because I was gifted

The teacher sent me to the back of the room

When they attacked me

And had a fat bully set me up

And beat me up

And this school and authority needs to be held accountable

And whatever these celbs are.

And these people are just jealous

I always scored high

And little demon Alex Elias and chicken shit to apologize I’ll call the cops.

And why doesn't anyone understand.

They should work better to improve our lives and make amends

When do you or they ever follow the 12 steps

A little pedophile demon.

12 Jul 2024

What do they fear

Me, the truth or the lies.

A lie of the population.

Being surrounded by kids.

Maybe I have to mentor them.

And alpha lies

They fear themselves deep down inside.

As well as their buried down trauma.

So is the nature of my gift.

And people who want to diminish it and set you up.

A war with themselves.

A population at war with themselves.

Her little vanity setting up all my poetry and ideas.

Evil and wrongdoers

Why don't they wake up.

i don't think any of the population is woken up.

Or capable of attaining the highest truth.

I wish they were gone.

And I was in a place in space.

Certified pedophiles.

What did you do but lie.

I have desires.

To be free and alone.

And so was he.

So were all of them.

And I can go to war with the evil.

As they say.

They are obliged to be truthful and understand the correct path.

They should be.

And I wish you could all just be united.

But you all make this life

Hell on Earth.

And I will deal with all the sadness and pain.

Because it's all lies torture.

A nation at war with itself.

When will it ever change.

When the population wakes up

And these kids go home.

And one day I will go far away.

It can all be a comedy

Becausr YOU can stop speaking to others about me without speaking to me directly.

And you're all idiots 

For believing everything Taylor Swift says and her whole album dedicated to me.

As well as Eminem's song.

You should all drive more

In Samsara.

8 Jul 2024

I was reminded of love.

And why I'm always alone.

Because I'm just a bit of every condition.

Which one do I have.

But anyways I'm autistic somewhat.

But I grew out of it many times.

And people show me love

But the devil always has its footing.

And now I believe I have no one left.

But demons.

That's why I don't fit into a traditional society.

And people always doubt my intelligence and bring me down and are interested in their covert agents and secrecy.

I guess you were a Freemason.

And they are some shadowy cabal.

And I value the people who give me a platform.

While another tries sabotage my website and page.

And the new area is a bit different.

Well there's more things for me.

Although it is just the market.

And too bad these people set me up.

And they want their sinister shadows together.

Pop stars quit hiding.

They are this sinister plot.

And I wish people would realize.

I actually do act the movies they act.

And now what is left but death and lost love.

And why can't I ever deal with this.

Sometimes a sad life.

I can get away to a place somewhere.

Cause I psychoanalyze my teachers.

And people and I strive to make this all better.

I work to improve it.

maybe it will get better

Only time will tell.

As they all did that.

And I wish for more.

As I can be better at the end of the day.

And hope and a new life.

Too bad my vision is in the wrong hands.

And too bad they never understand.

And maybe they are just neurotypical.

And I have to fight them everyday.

When will you ever give to me.

As I have given to you.

And setting me up.

Just because you don't understand the truth.

As I spawn another one.

To be at peace

Free at last.

And I will endure it all.


6 Jul 2024

I think people should be in the middle

Because that gives you a good enough range and expression to communicate.

And also the transhumanist agenda and clones need to be revised.

It's a multipolar world.

And equality for all would mean free energy.

Freedom of living.

And lower costs

But greed and human consumption

keeps prices from being lower.

Because people are hungry ghosts and always want more for themselves.

The basic needs and life should start first

But I guess there are individual differences

However some people should improve their thinking.

Because how many people do we need at the end of the day.

Just be more kind.

And people should be good

As the material science transgresses

And liars and politicians and fake enterprise can cease.

With the advent of the immaterial.

The quantum world.

And seeing some beauty and truth in my spirit friends.

And some people need revise their whole conceptions of reality.

Because it has been proven and demonstrated.

And it's a science

Not a faith

Not a false ideology or fixed belief.

People should be flexible and adaptable to change to solve the world's problems.

People can improve.

And so should liars cheats and thieves.

As well as the basic principles.

That is all.

Have a good one.

29 Jun 2024

What did I say or what was really done

I dont want to believe or say any of that

I dont want any of thatto happen.

Thats not even the full truth of the whole thing.

My words dont mean everything.

My hate for people doesnt mean anything.

It should all be love.

I dont mean half of what I say or some of it.

There has to be some love.

I hope you can understand.

That It should be all love and burying resentments.

As I need a better new therapist and a new place.

I dont want it to be any of that.

It doesnt mean anything or the narrative.

It is not all me.

It is just one thing.

27 Jun 2024

He's simply corrupt and overly simplisitic in his thinking

Because of a divine trick.

They set me up with this person.

And so did all them.

And no matter how many times people try to save me.

This demon who oddly thinks he's morally superior which is not the case rapes me and assaults me.

As my friend said, a vile creature.

A crazy fan.

A doomed city until Romero or Hobbs or whomever deals with it.

As I'm waiting for a check, 

but i might go one way, as my friend would say.

If I could geta job or workaway.

But I've been seeing spirits ever since I was little.

And this idiot Nazi should understand it.

That's why I report it.

And he's not an angel.

He works for a corrupt department.

That I'm officially off of.

That I have to deal with the iluminatti

And people targetting my website.

Well you all read it.

Too bad she couldn't kill you.

As much as she wanted to.

Now I have to suffer needlessly.

Because there is not a place on this Earth.

For me.

25 Jun 2024

What do I get

I wish peoplewouldn't use all ofmy words.

And he acts like a child

and i have a few loyal friends.

And this nightmare as I wait for a cheaper apartment.

But I wouldnt I be better far away?

Well I can put it in a notice

And I need to do something

Because this online harassment

And the truth that never gets revealed.

And the ways of the world.

And freedom in life

Shouldn't they end all the wars

Well you know they are just greedy and materialistic.

Like I said greed and violence was caused by all their greediness.

And I'm sure some of you aren't.

And they are literal demons.




Unforgiving desert.

And old buildings and people.

And a 5g virus that may not be the same.

Shouldn't good always win.

I thought ir always did

And this is pure evil

But good always wins

So do lies get exposed

So do beauty and truth

So doea the beauty and truth of people

But it's a black magic

Evil eye

Bad work

And bad lies

And evil intentions

And misguided and severly disturbed motives.

I will break free one day

For now

I have to keep seeing the beauty

The meaning in the suffering

And taking care of myself when they are violent.

I hope you dear my friend and love

Will read this.

19 Jun 2024

I returned home

I wonder why my viewers dropped. I hope people are interested.

I was in San Diego, for four days. I had some very good times and memories.

However, the good things are always cast with the dark.

I went around the whole city, however there are just a lot of people and it gets overwhelming.

I do appreciate all of the people, and especially the women, the divine feminine, the beauty they have.

And some good people, and I enjoy, however, it seemed like there were threats to my life. Maybe because they think I'm a certain person wherever I am.

But it seems like everything dropped on my page and views.

Well I write, about it, because I got sick and am recovering and resting here, I do appreciate the healing qualities of the desert. The desert, is very.

And I am moving closer to university, because I have fond memories there, and a better rent rate.

And I live in my multiverse, the multiverse is the thing now.

So I try to enjoy it, and I want others to enjoy it and be a part of it too.

And I want positive energy, nothing negative. Negative energy is a burden.

And wishing for a successful ending of here, as well as not being called names or a different race or anything like that.

In the multiverse, we have to be more understanding of people in it, how our actions influence others.

And it can he more prosperous and joyous, open, understanding.

And I wait patiently, while I just rest and lay, just wanting everything to finish well here:

And everything can improve and be more equal, an equal society.

And not a hateful society.

A more open; inclusive one.

That is more honest and brave:

And free, especially free, and not angry:

So these are all of my thoughts.

Until next time, Jamil

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